Jeffrey Millon (‘20) and Candice Lalla (‘20), Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience students, did a presentation on the topic Coordination of Care and Chronic Care Management on November 21st, 2019 to their preceptor Dr. Tricia Gangoo-Dookhan during their Transitions of Care/Medication Therapy Management rotation. Chronic care management is a non-face-to-face service provided to eligible Medicare patients with multiple (two or more) chronic conditions expected to last at least 12 months or until the death of the patient. While pharmacists cannot bill for this service, they do play a pivotal role in providing 24/7 access to patients which is a part of the care plan. Using remote patient monitoring tools, a patient can be immediately contacted by a pharmacist when an abnormal vital sign is detected and uploaded to that patient’s electronic health record. This endeavor provides the pharmacist an opportunity to intervene to assist that patient achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes and their individual goal, thus provide management of care.
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